Youth Nurturing & Victim Assistance

The Kip Kephart Foundation has provided assistance to several local Commonwealth's Attorneys office to provide shelter, food, and staple items assistance for crime victims.  We have also provided non-discretionary funding to several local schools systems assisting low-income students.  View some of the entities we have provided assistance to:

Commonwealth's Attorneys Offices Victim Assistance

Victim Assistance is a part of several local county's Commonwealth Attorney's Offices. It often contends with special needs that do not fit ordinary budgeting guidelines, especially in meeting the needs of children who have been assaulted or victimized in some form.

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Public Schools Discretionary Assistance

The Kip Kephart Foundation considers it a special privilege to have created and to maintain discretionary accounts to help these children. Because of the unique needs of many of these victims, the Foundation allows a wide degree of latitude in the use of these funds, with the primary goal of helping comfort children in their time of anxiety and distress.
Presently the Foundation sponsors these discretionary accounts in the counties of Caroline, Charles City, New Kent and York, and is eager to expand this very successful program to neighboring counties, as well.

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Other Victim Assistance Programs Supported

The Kip Kephart Foundation has also provided financial assistance to other fine victim assistance organizations such as the McShin Foundation and the Burn Institutes burn victim Summer programs.

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